TRAITS OF WOMEN, It’s elementary that the first thing you notice in a person is his or her appearance and that, honestly, forms the primary opinion in our minds. Though looks matter, it isn’t the only trait for a relationship to start or last for a long time. Your personality, self-esteem and wit are also extremely important for you to be liked and understood correctly by people. These are also important when we talk about men being attracted to women. So are you in search of a permanent relationship? Here are five traits of women, other than their appearance, that is generally attractive to males. 

1.   Confidence of a woman- High self-esteem is undoubtedly the most attractive feature of a woman. There can be nothing more beautiful than a woman who is decisive and confident in her life. Also, high self-esteem and strong persona of one partner gives much more confidence and feeling of security to the other as he or she knows whom to rely on in the future.

2.   Sense of humour- Without a sense of humour, a person might look and sound boring. Hence it is obvious that a guy looks for a woman who can make witty jokes and sarcastic comments. It’s no less a quality to bring a crowd alive with humour.

3.   Sense of style- In the initial phase of a relationship or dating, a good fashion sense can have a lasting impact on the male partner and the relationship in its whole. Though on the longer run, it isn’t as important as humour or confidence, it’s no surprise that a well-dressed woman claims and attracts a lot of attention. It’s not just beneficial or attractive to a man but also boosts a woman’s self-confidence.

4.   Successes in career and education- Successful women are extremely attractive to progressive-minded and educated men. A woman with proper education is definitely a blessing and one of the primary criteria for several men when they choose a life partner. A woman with a successful career also provides men with the mental satisfaction that a woman isn’t present for monetary support. From professional success to being financially secure, women with successful careers are always more attractive.

5.   Intelligence- Nobody likes a life partner who isn’t intelligent enough to help the other with life decisions and problems. In the long run, it’s a life partner that people confide in for help. Thus men, looking for a stable and long-term relationship, are more attracted to women with intelligence and common sense for. Someone who has the sensibility and sense to overcome any situation is definitely attractive. These are some of the common choices of men and we cannot deny the fact that these qualities are desired by women as well in their male partner. It’s quite common for people to have different choices but if you are looking for a permanent and stable relationship, you have got to work on these aspects no matter which gender you belong to.

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