DIGITAL DETOX, The virtual reality today follows us everywhere around the world and at times it can get over our head. The constant company of mobile phones, laptop and other digital gadgets can cause trouble, particularly mental stress and anxiety. This has led to the evolution of the concept of digital detox to prevent the usage of these devices from getting over our head.

More particularly, this concept is important to the budding youths whose brain undergoes structural changes in their crucial teenage years. Monroe who is a Health Senior and is the Director of Program Development at LCSW says, “Not only has technology transformed our relationships, lifestyle and society, it’s also changing our brains.” According to Digital Detox author, Cal Newport, “A digital detox refers to a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices connected to the Internet, such as smartphones and computers.

Moreover, a digital detox is an opportunity to reduce stress and focus more on interaction with others. And it can also help prevent addiction to tech devices. In addition, a digital detox provides time to experience nature, get physical exercise, and practice mindfulness. Unplugging on a regular basis helps us maintain a healthy balance between IRL (“in real life”) activities and the digital world. Ultimately, a digital detox is a way to disconnect to reconnect.”

While we shouldn’t undermine the advantages which the technology offers from increased work efficiency to richer connectivity but now this technology is turning out to be more of a trouble rather than a facilitator. These disadvantages arise from the fact that with every extra minute we spend unnecessarily we cut ourselves off from the real world. This also results in poorer relations with our dear ones. It has become quite a common saying now that the more technology connects us to those far from us but it takes us farther from those around us.

Researches have shown us time and again that the usage of social media is closely linked to lower self-esteem among individuals and a high rate of depression. Recently, the World Health Organisation included gaming disorder as a mental health condition. Gaming order was found to be of the same level as drug abuse or the addiction to betting. The time spent digitally also reduces the time one spends on maintaining self-physique. This has led to physical weaknesses and disorders among individuals.

Digital Detox offers the way for oneself to “reconnect through disconnect.” This can be done by a person individually or take it up collectively with family or friends. In this buffer time, various activities can be taken up such as going on a trip or playing the once lost games. While the advancement of technology has made it imperative for us to stay connected through our gadgets, we can begin with partial detox. We can prevent using our devices during some particular points through the day or keep devices turned off during our holidays, these small points can go a long way on our path to full-fledged detoxification.

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