GREAT Shark nurseries are an area where young sharks are born or where they reside and where their growth starts. These are generally near their mating areas and are at a spot safe from other predators and provide abundant food for nourishment and growth. Scientists define nursery areas by looking at the GREAT number of juveniles and neonates compared to other places where sharks are present in a large number. There should be a tendency of immature sharks to return to the place and that the immature shark should stay there GREAT for a couple of years. The purpose of nurseries is to stabilize and increase the populace of a specific population.

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The great white shark is the largest predatory fish GREAT present on earth, which can grow to an enormous length of 15 feet. They comprise six genetically distinct population, in Japan, Australia, South Africa, the Mediterranean, north-west Atlantic and northeast Pacific. It’s a migratory shark which can adapt to various oceanic climates and can survive all kinds of depths. Despite its notoriety in its inhabiting areas, it is considered to be threatened with
extinction also because of its slow GREAT growth and late reproduction with very few offspring which makes them vulnerable.


A team of researchers recently GREAT discovered an ancient white shark breeding ground. It is the first-ever evidence found of a nursery of the great white shark, Carcharodon charcharis in Chile. This will provide a better understanding of the evolutionary process of the beast and could also help in protecting these endangered animals. The researchers had analyzed 5 to 2 million-year-old fossil teeth statistically which were found at various sites near Chile and Peru, to recreate body size distribution patterns which basically means that they analyzed the size of the shark with relation to the places GREAT so as to determine where the most amount of immature sharks are present.

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In the results, they found that the favourable body sizes were present along the South American paleo pacific coast. One of them in Northern Chile, GREAT Coquimbo showed the highest
percentage of immature sharks and the lowest number of sexually matured sharks present.

This discovery is of utmost importance for the survival of these GREAT sharks in the future, with an increase in global warming every day the survival of these sharks becomes difficult and hence this discovery paves a way for a scientist to take appropriate protective measures to ensure the survival of the great white shark.

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