ENVIRONMENT, A word about nature reclaiming its space has not ceased since lockdown got imposed on several countries of the world due to the highly communicable Coronavirus that originated in China in 2019 and made its way across the globe.

There have been observed to be massive changes in the environment.
Reduction of Carbon emissions is one of the major results of the lockdown. China, according to, The Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air, has reduced its carbon emissions by 25% during January and February which were the peak time for a pandemic in China. Apparently by this particular reduction, around the lives of 4000 children below 5 and 73,000 adults over the age of 70 were saved. Due to a reduction in traffic, a huge fall in carbon monoxide was recorded. More than 200 million fewer metric tons of carbon dioxide was produced by China as compared to 2019. Even in Italy a drastic fall in greenhouse gases like nitrous oxide, nitrogen oxide was noticed.

The reason could be owed to prohibition on air transportation, temporary shutting down of factories, and oil industries.

ENVIRONMENT, Clarity in water bodies is another major and pleasant surprise to humans. Canals of Venice which is a hub of business has been forced to be shut down due to the disease. This brought a magical change to the waters which has restored its clarity. Fishes in including dolphins have returned (although some sources claim they were always there but weren’t visible) and are clearly visible to the human eyes. Ganga’s water has been declared drinkable after 40 years. ENVIRONMENT, Yamuna river was so polluted that just a few months ago that photos with poisonous froth in the river went viral. This ancient river too has restored it’s health due to lack of human interference.

Air pollution in India was remarkable due to a sudden drop in vehicles and transportation in this country of around 135crores. Delhi, the capital of India as well as one of the most polluted cities in India recorded the lowest air pollution in the last 5 years. Northern India is known for its air pollution was deemed to have the cleanest air in the last 20 years by NASA.

Freedom among wildlife was also noticed. The pictures of Indian Ocean humpback dolphins along the Mumbai shore took the internet by a surprise. Although many Mumbaikars have claimed to have seen the dolphins along the shore earlier too, their numbers have increased. Olive Ridley turtles along Orissa’s shore have also caught people’s eyes. Again, these turtles were always visible along the shore but the reduction of fear for humans has considerably decreased which makes them go nearer the city from the shore.

Peacocks and deer have been seen on the streets. They may not have ‘reappeared’ but have definitely become bolder and less fearful of the humans during this pandemic. Another example of this is the leopards of Aarey Milk Colony in Mumbai where these magnificent animals are crossing streets without any fear.

This pandemic has given us a chance to us humans to rethink our treatment towards the Earth and make necessary changes.

The life after pandemic will be different. As in, more precautions toward healthcare, getting used to ultra hygiene etc. But what we must also get used to is a lifestyle that is good for nature and Earth. After the pandemic, most countries will rush back to build up what they lost.
And, as much as we all get the necessity for it, it’s important to make sure the rush doesn’t make us take Earth for granted again. Our one chance to rebuild the Earth and not make the same mistakes again, is now.

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