OBSESSING Influencers have established their empire all over social media and are nothing less than mini-celebrities. They have hooked most people onto their daily self-care routine and over the top
perfect lives.OBSESSING Someone once said we are attracted to what OBSESSING we lack and that is exactly the policy that most self-proclaimed health Gurus have adopted.

While the very essence OBSESSING of self-care is woven into the age of old OBSESSING cultures, the well-being industry simply adds the sparkle to it and sells it to a hungry, self-loathing public who are manipulated every day into believing their health is below the benchmark.

The bricks of self-care that involves waking up early, meditating, making time for exercise, eating healthy is no doubt extremely OBSESSING healthy and leads to a fuller mental and physical health.
Although overindulgence in anything may result in unbidden OBSESSING repercussions. André Spicer, co-author of The Wellness

Syndrome OBSESSING and professor of organizational behavior at Cass Business School in London believe that instead of considering wellbeing for what it actually is we have distorted the meaning into something else, an ideology, perhaps.

“Those who fail to look OBSESSING after their bodies under the expectations of wellness syndrome are judged and demonized as lazy or weak-willed,” he says As long as well being inspires us to a
better, healthier life it’s appreciative.OBSESSING In fact gratitude, kindness, mediation, healthy eating are building blocks to a happier life.OBSESSING But the obsession with the idea of well being is not only harmful but in fact, dangerous.

Wellbeing as an ideology When well being gets treated as a OBSESSING yardstick of acceptability, things turn to worse. People who may not be high on the ladder of seeking the perfect balance of
health could be considered as lazy, unmotivated, or socially OBSESSING unacceptable.

Discrimination on the basis of body shape, mental illness, and often, simply because someone isn’t interested in the concept, could be some of the serious OBSESSING results of considering wellbeing as the best ideology of existence.

Wellbeing doesn’t always raise the bar of positivity As opposed to the idea of wellbeing
spreading positivity, it can in fact plant seeds of negativity. People who are constantly glued to someone else’s story of wellbeing can often drift to self-pity and self-hatred because they aren’t
the perfect people, according to social media. Over criticism and self-doubt are common among people who are obsessed with well being. Instead of making them feel good about who they
are, which is, in fact, the motive of wellbeing, it often leads to body shaming and ignorance of mental health.

Self Blaming

Spicer says, “through ‘positive thinking’ you can be whatever you want to be and if anything bad happens to you, it’s no one’s fault but your own”, is very controversial in psychology because, although it is meant to harbor positivity in one’s mind, sometimes it backfires.
Because of this fact, some may self-blame regarding any mishap OBSESSING because they have been programmed to think that any happening in their lives is basically the reaction to their action of
thinking. People who are already in dire mental condition can self-blame themselves for any mishap which could affect their mental health further. They could be stuck in a loop of illness, self-blame, and mishap. In an attempt to spread positivity they could be potentially pushed toward endless negativity.

Obsessive indulgence in wellbeing can welcome individualism and selfishness. Often the whole idea of well being pushes us to believe “I” is the secret to happiness. Obsession with the betterment of oneself can lead to individualism and egotism. We may lose focus on what
gives us happiness. Dependence on wellbeing for seeking happiness can often make life meaningless. Catering to someone else’s needs, having a hearty conversation with someone close could also welcome happiness and our world needn’t revolve around our health to be
happy. For example, if someone is solely dependent on being ‘thin’ or in ‘perfect shape’ for being happy they could lose their happiness if they gain weight for any medical condition or perhaps from giving birth. When the strive for well being becomes a competition.

Laurie Santos, professor of psychology at Yale University, in her course of “The Science of Wellbeing”, provides ways to attain wellbeing in small effective baby steps. Because according to her our approach to wellbeing is often negative. OBSESSING Engaging in small acts of kindness, being aware and present, maintaining healthy social connections is all-important as two of our long strenuous exercise. Not all are made for the same path. But social media has glorified only a particular path and the self-improvement based movement has modified into a competitive stressful a race that may fair badly for some. “Not beating yourself up and taking baby
steps is a core component of what I teach,” she says. “Lots of wellness stuff on Instagram can feel performative or almost like a competition. And science suggests that this kind of social
comparison can make us feel worse, not better.”

Dependence on health gadgets or “tricks”

‘Wellbeing’ has been massively exploited into a business that manipulates us to believe we’re happy not when we feel it, but only when a Fitbit, detox smoothie, some vitamin induced water, and a calorie chart sanctions us to be so. OBSESSING The dependency and faith in gadgets have made us
paranoid to live life normally. 60% of Fitbit users have confessed to feeling conscious of their eating or living habits and have induced negativity. The fact that spas can make customers opt for “detox massage” with some oil when in reality kidneys and liver detoxes a body shows how much manipulated people are.

Well-being is feeling, a sensation of satisfaction, happiness, and positivity and people gain that through numerous measures. Indulging in a path to wellness is OBSESSING rejuvenating and self
improving as long as it doesn’t turn into an obsession.

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